I am Patrick Jones, the Home School Community Liaison coordinator.( HSCL) I have the pleasure of working with families as the link person between the school and
I run adult classes in the parents room and other community venues from September to
May. You will be informed of new and upcoming classes on the school's social media and this website. Members of the wider community are also encouraged and welcome to attend these classes.
The majority of these classes run in the school are family learning programmes where parents will be
invited in to do fun activities in class with their child during the year. These include, Parent and child STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) classes.
I also support parents with any issue which may be affecting
their child in school or at home.
We provide the Incredible Years parenting course, Art
Therapy for children, Rainbows separation & Bereavement
groups for children as well as many more supports.
We also have a fantastic parents council who are very active in
the school with fundraisers, pancake day, valentines , school
discos , school policies etc. The group meet monthly on Monday
morning at 9.15 in the parents room. All new members welcome.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at
086 1607804. I hope to meet all of you during the coming
year and regularly, into the future.
Our Lady Queen of Peace School, Janesboro, Limerick | Phone: 061 311285 | Roll Number 17737W